Hospitality Trailer

Serving with the DUMC Hospitality Trailer is a fun way to share the DUMC experience with our community! Sign up to be added to our […]

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Visitation Ministry

Dunwoody UMC has a congregation filled with unique individuals with fascinating backgrounds and accomplishments. If you have an hour or so to spare each month […]

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Golf Cart Driver

Join our team of enthusiastic golf cart drivers to transport members and guests that need assistance from the parking lot to the front of the […]

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Welcome Desk

Our welcome desk team is there to provide information to members and visitors. Our welcome desk volunteers serve one Sunday per month (or serve as […]

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Work with staff to obtain the bread/wafers and grape juice, fill the cups and set up the altar and chancel for communion, and reset the […]

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Flower Ministry

Separate the altar flowers after each service, placing them into new vases and distributing them on Mondays to families who have experienced a death in […]

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Funeral Ministry

Provide assistance and offer comfort to bereaved families and friends. Work with the families, friends and church staff to organize the service and prepare the […]

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Hospital and Homebound Visitors

Hospital visitors volunteer to visit people who are unable to attend church because of hospitalization. Homebound visitors volunteer to visit people who are unable to […]

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