Baptism is a time of enacting a covenant and making promises.The United Methodist Church strongly advocates the baptism of infants within the faith community, although adults are baptized if they have not previously received this sacrament. In and through this initiatory act, the church will express and convey God’s grace and love to your child, or you as an adult, now and forever. For your child, you will profess your faith and promise to raise your child to live a Christian life. As an adult, you will profess your faith and commit to support the church. The church will respond with its faith and promises.

Infant baptisms are planned in advance and must be on the church calendar to avoid any possible conflicts in a particular service. The family may stand with the parents presenting the infant for baptism during the service. Adults who wish to be baptized will come forward to the altar during the closing hymn. Although we traditionally use sprinkling as a method of baptism, we do offer to adults being baptized and to the parents of infants the choice of sprinkling, pouring or immersion.


If you have other specific questions or need more information about Baptism, please contact Jill Brunelle. Please note, first Sundays of each month are very difficult for baptisms because those are our Communion Sundays.

Jill Brunelle

Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor

770-394-0675 ext. 120