Are You ALL IN?

At Dunwoody UMC, we are ALL IN with our Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness. We hope you will join us in this effort as we dedicate ourselves to each of these important areas. When we are ALL IN with our commitment, we will be amazed with what God will do -- both through DUMC and through each of us.


Click here to let us know you're ALL IN and submit your Estimate of Giving for 2024.

In 2024, we will focus our commitment on sharing our SERVICE.


Serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.
1 Peter 4:10b

ALL IN with DUMC this Season

How to be ALL IN



What would happen if we committed to praying on a regular basis for specific members of this church and our community as a whole?

We would be truly amazed at what God can do in the lives of others through our persistent prayers.

Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

An important part of being “ALL IN” with our prayer lives is committing to meeting regularly in Small Groups and Sunday School Classes. When a group of believers prays together, the result is unity, praise and intercession.



In a world that clamors for our attention in a million different directions, our presence is more precious than ever.

When you show up to worship on Sundays, whether in-person or online, it is an important part of offering your presence at DUMC. Through regular listening to sermons, praising God through music and connecting with other believers, our eyes are opened to how God is moving through this church.

When we decide to show up by being “ALL IN” with our presence, God is the one who gets the glory.


What would it look like for 100% participation in financial support for our church this year? This is what we are aiming for.

No matter the financial challenges we are facing, God is always honored when we step out in faith and give a gift
of any size. No gift is too small.

If you have recently started to support DUMC financially, we appreciate you and ask that you prayerfully consider renewing and expanding your gift. If you are a long-time member of the church and regularly commit as you are able, we so appreciate your support and would be blessed by your continued giving.


1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

How can you use your talents and gifts to serve others at DUMC? When we are dedicated to serving in the various ways that God has equipped us, our church begins to resemble a beautiful, multi-colored tapestry of God’s grace.

We all have something tangible to give others. It could be your expertise in a particular field, your love for cooking and hospitality, or your desire to teach. No matter what it is, we aim to be “ALL IN” as a church that connects people through our unique, God-given gifts.


John 13:35 says, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Our display of Christ’s love in our community and around the world is our strongest witness. Through serving with local outreach groups like the Community Assistance Center and Action Ministries, you are pointing others to Christ simply by loving your neighbors and helping to fulfill their needs.

We are standing on the threshold of a great time ahead for our church as we begin this journey together to be ALL IN.


Click here to share how we can pray for you and to submit your Estimate of Giving for 2024.


Please contact Roger Young, DUMC Chief Operating Officer.

770-394-0675 ext. 110