Christianity and the Real World

September 21, 2018

As Christians, we live in a real world with real issues. You have only to watch the television news, look at the news alerts on your cell phone, or peruse the internet to see some of the issues that confront those of us who seek to follow Christ…and by implication, the Church. We face issues such as human sexuality, family matters, how to make sense of faith and science, the relationship of the church with other religions, and how our faith influences our understanding of politics.

One of the constant cries of people within the Church is for the Church to offer a relevant word to some of these issues. And yet, one of the challenges of these issues is that people of deep faith, people in the same churches, even people in the same families often find themselves holding opinions that are diametrically opposed to one another. Ironically, often people who hold opposite positions on some of these issues will quote the Bible and Jesus to support their position. In many cases, this has led to divisiveness, bitterness, broken relationships, hurt, and anger.

Starting this Sunday, September 23, we begin a series of sermons entitled, “Christianity and the Real World.” The intent of this series is to offer people both a relevant word and some tools for thinking through some of these difficult issues. It is not intended to provide an “answer” nor to change people’s minds, although as people spend time thinking through some of the issues, their positions may undergo some change. It is not intended to offer easy answers to complex and challenging questions, although some may gain greater clarity. Rather, it is intended to provide a basis for moral, ethical, biblical and theological dialogue while at the same time maintaining respect for people of differing opinions.

Related to that, each Wednesday night following the sermon, we will have a “Sermon Series Discussion” time, where you will have an opportunity to share your thoughts and opinions. These sermon discussion sessions begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Asbury Room.

At the very heart of this series is a deep desire for the “unity in diversity” that John Wesley encouraged. In other words, that the love of Christ will shine through all we do and say and that even people who hold different opinions will still lock arms to reach the least, the last, and the lost.

See you Sunday, if not before!
