Often, in a football game as the third quarter ends and the fourth quarter is about to begin, the fans will hold up four fingers as the band plays in the background. It is a reminder that the game is nearing the end, but it still isn’t over. There is still one more quarter to play and a lot can happen that can make a huge difference in the game.
That’s something of how I feel as we near the end of our Moving Forward Together Capital Campaign. Over the last few months, so many people have done so much. The Building Committee has worked to attend to every detail of the architectural plans. They have tried to address every concern that has been raised. The Capital Campaign Committee has sought to be in touch with the entire congregation in a whole variety of ways. The Staff of the Church has been diligent. And, so many of you in the Congregation have prayerfully considered what God would have you to do and then given sacrificially.
At this point, we have raised just over $5.1 million. As you know, the goal is $5.6 million. If we reach the $5.6 million mark, then a challenge grant will be given that will make possible another $500,000 for a mission endowment. As Rev. Jenna Kennedy pointed out so eloquently and passionately last Sunday, if that happens, it can be a game changer in the area of missions.
Our Moving Forward Together Capital Campaign ends on October 29, which means we are now in the fourth quarter. We only have 9 days to go. More than 350 people have already turned in their pledges. With the help of the rest of the congregation, we can truly move forward together in worship, missions, community, and faith.
If you have not already done so, I want to urge you to prayerfully ask God to guide you and help us complete the campaign by turning in a pledge card. We are not asking everyone to give the same amount, but we are asking everyone to make an equal sacrifice.
Remember, you can make a huge difference as we near the end of this campaign.
Rev. Dan Brown
Senior Pastor