One of the great joys of serving as the pastor of DUMC is to see all the different ministries in which this Church is involved.
Each Sunday morning, somewhere between 1,100 – 1,500 people crowd their way into our buildings for Sunday School and Worship. On Wednesday nights hundreds of people gather for the suppers, Bible studies, choir practices, and various other activities. Throughout the week, thousands gather for our Leisure Ministries. Preschool children gather in their classrooms on weekday mornings. We have a whole variety of children, youth, young adult, and senior adult activities. And on the list could go.
A week from tomorrow, October 21, hundreds from our congregation will gather at 8:00 a.m. for a breakfast and then scatter here at the Church, across this community, and throughout the city of Atlanta for the Great Day of Service. As a result, people will be fed, relief efforts for those affected by the hurricanes will be furthered, all sorts of other ministry will happen, and lives will be touched in the name of Jesus Christ.
Three weeks later, on November 11, thousands more will come for the Holiday Festival, through which money will be raised and another home will be built for a family that might not otherwise have a home.
These outreach efforts are among the reasons I am personally excited about our Moving Forward Together Capital Campaign. Church buildings help facilitate ministry. Through the renovation of the Sanctuary, we are going to enhance worship for both our Traditional and Contemporary Services, provide space for growth, help the Church to continue to be one congregation with multiple styles of worship, and expand our reach to even more people in the name of Christ.
One other thing: If we reach our goal of $5.6 million, we will secure a $500,000 challenge grant to create a first ever Missions Endowment Fund at DUMC. Think of what that means. This is a building program that is not only facilitating ministry and missions; it is ensuring it will happen. That really is something about which to be excited.
If you have not already made your commitment to the campaign, I want to encourage you to do so today. Remember, our deadline is October 29th.
See you Sunday, if not before!
Rev. Dan Brown
Senior Pastor