A Scurry of Activity

November 9, 2018

If you have been around the church during the weekdays lately, then you know there has been a scurry of activity in almost every corner of the building. In addition to all of our regular activities, we have so many special events taking place right now that everyone from the staff to the congregation to the construction team to vendors have been working tirelessly to meet deadlines and fulfill ministries that will have a positive impact on people’s lives.

First of all, tomorrow we will have our Holiday Festival. Every year this is one of the highlights of our ministry together. Literally dozens and dozens of people combine their energies, efforts, and expertise to transform the church into a festival of holiday shopping, caroling, pictures with Santa Claus, silent auction, baked goods, attic treasures, and so much more. In addition to all the fun and fellowship we enjoy that day, the money that is raised will go to build our 29th Habitat for Humanity house next spring. If you haven’t already made plans to be present, you will want to do so right now.

On Sunday, we will be drawing the public phase of our annual stewardship campaign to a close. This year, we have been focused on the difference living a life of generosity can make in our lives. Jesus made a point of talking a great deal about the power that generosity can have in the fullness of life we experience. I hope you will join us this Sunday as we continue to explore that subject together. And, if you have not already filled out your commitment card, I ask that you do so as soon as possible.

As you know, the sanctuary renovation is nearing completion and we are planning our first services in the sanctuary for December 2nd. I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. Not only will we hold our first worship services that morning, but that afternoon we will have our Family Christmas Concert. It is going to be a time of great joy and celebration.

In that regard, I do want to remind you of a few things. First, while we will be able to occupy the sanctuary, it will take a few weeks to completely synchronize everything. So, please be a bit patient with us. Also, please remember that our new organ will not be installed until next summer. In the meantime, we will continue using the electronic organ we have used in the Fellowship Hall. Then too, I have been asked if the Chapel Service will continue. The answer to that is an emphatic, “Yes.” The Chapel Service has become a favorite of so many and it offers a style of worship that is not found in either of the other two services.

Finally, I would remind you that this year we will be shifting our Thanksgiving Service to Sunday, November 18th. Some of you are used to joining us on Thanksgiving morning for breakfast and a short service. Due to the unavailability of the sanctuary, we will not be having our usual service on Thanksgiving morning. However, on November 18th, we will spend time reflecting on the subject of “Grace and Gratitude.” I hope you will make every effort to be present.

This is an exciting time of the year. It is an exciting time to be a member of Dunwoody United Methodist Church. And most importantly, it is a wonderful time to be a Christian and to both experience Christ’s love for us and to be a channel of that love to others.

See you this weekend, if not before.
