Come and See!

Dear Church Family,

It is with a grateful heart that I invite you to our inaugural Contemporary and Traditional worship services in our newly renovated Sanctuary this Sunday, December 2nd.

As we step into our new worship home this Sunday, we also step into the season of Advent together. I hope that you will join us as we continue with our Peering into the Manger Advent Sermon Series. As a congregation, we pray to gain a new perspective of the Christ Child as we view Him through the eyes of key people in the Bible’s story of His birth.

Don’t forget to bring your family back at 4:00 p.m. this Sunday for a fun-filled evening here at the church. We will host our Bethlehem Night Family Christmas Concert in the Fellowship Hall, and a ‘Living Nativity’ with food trucks, cocoa and Christmas tree sales on the lawn directly after the concert.

I am looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Grace and Peace,
