A Shout Out to Our Leaders!

August 17, 2018

Each year at this time, a transition takes place in the church. The most obvious transition takes place in our programming. As summer starts to fade into the background and the fall steps to the forefront, we see favorite programs gear up and new programs begin.

For example, soon our Preschool and our fall leisure activities will get into full swing; and this past Wednesday night, our Wednesday Night Suppers started. Along with it, our Children’s Choirs met and many of our Bible Studies and Fellowship Groups are about to begin.

This Sunday night, our Youth will kick off their fall program with a Youth Extravaganza. The official name is First Annual DUMC Youth Family Reunion Tailgate Extravaganza, but that is a mouthful, so you can just call it the Youth Extravaganza. It begins at 5:30 p.m. and will operate a lot like a tailgate party. Whole families are invited to attend. (For more information contact Dallas Pfeiffer or Brooke Freeman in our Youth Ministry.)

However, somewhat behind the scenes there is another transition that takes place. Our Leadership Team also undergoes somewhat of a change. Leadership terms run from September 1 – August 31. So, each year at this time, some people roll off the Leadership Team and new faces are seen assuming the responsibilities of the roles that have been vacated.

We owe a profound debt of gratitude to all of those who have served this last year. So much has been done and so much has been accomplished. In the last year, we have advanced the Strategic Plan, conducted a very successful capital campaign, addressed huge unexpected changes in our Children’s and Youth areas, entered into a building program, transitioned worship spaces imposed by the building program, and set a record for the most meals ever packaged at Foodstock. This doesn’t even begin to get at all of the regular activities that go on throughout the year like the Great Day of Service, Holiday Festival, mission trips, Habitat Build, drama presentations, and so forth.

These sorts of programs do not just happen. They take planning, effort, and execution. So, to all of you who have put in so much time and energy, thank you for what you have done. You have made a difference.

At the same time, I hope you will hold in your prayers all of those who will be serving this next year. There is still a lot to be done. On the immediate horizon will be the completion of the renovation project and once again transitioning our worship services back into the new spaces. We will also be preparing for the installation of the organ next summer, and planning for the space needs of our Children’s and Youth areas.

This is a great church made great by the power of the Holy Spirit, the commitment of the members, and those who serve so effectively in leadership positions. Again, thank you!