

The ministries and mission of our church take place because of the gifts you choose to offer - your financial gifts as well as your time, service and talent. These are the resources that fuel our vision to be a dynamic Christian community of fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Paul wrote in 2nd Corinthians 9:7, "Everyone should give whatever they have decided in their heart. They shouldn't give with hesitation or because of pressure. God loves a cheerful giver." Through our tithes and offerings we are giving back to God that which he has given us. Your financial support, regardless of size, helps fund the missions, ministries and operating budget of our church. It helps us house homeless families, feed hungry children, provide meeting space for support groups, conduct Sunday School classes and so much more. Your support means we can reach more lives in Dunwoody and beyond with the God's message and love.


At Dunwoody UMC, we are ALL IN with our Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness. We hope you will join us in this effort as we dedicate ourselves to each of these important areas. When we are ALL IN with our commitment, we will be amazed with what God will do -- both through DUMC and through each of us.

Click here to let us know you're ALL IN and submit your Estimate of Giving for 2025.


The tax code is very generous toward this form of giving. Giving the asset directly to the church allows the church to sell the asset, thereby eliminating potential capital gains taxes to the donor. This also results in a larger gift to the church.


Appreciated assets held more than one year, such as publicly-traded stocks, mutual funds, bonds, or cryptocurrency can provide you with additional tax savings. Givers do not realize long-term capital gains when giving these securities. Market value at the time of the gift, rather than your cost basis, may be reported as an itemized deduction. If you donate securities, please call us to tell us when to expect your generous gift.

Are You ALL IN?

At Dunwoody UMC, we are ALL IN with our Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness. We hope you will join us in this effort as we dedicate ourselves to each of these important areas. When we are ALL IN with our commitment, we will be amazed with what God will do -- both through DUMC and through each of us.