Friday Focus
News you need for the week of
February 14, 2025
Night to Shine 2025!
This year's Night to Shine was a smashing success...take a look! Also, a huge "Thank You!" to all of the buddies, honored guests, caregivers, and volunteers who made it such a special night! Save the date for Night to Shine 2026, Friday, February 13!
Current Announcements
VEiL Exhibit and Meet & Greet
New Year, new VEiL! You are invited to enjoy the creations of Elizabeth Schroeder, on view in the church library through the end of February.
Great Day of Service 2025
Save the date for the Dunwoody UMC 2025 Great Day of Service! This event will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2025. All registrations will be open on Friday, February 21. Thank you to all who have volunteered in the past. We look forward to having everyone join us for another successful event! Stay tuned for registration coming soon!
Many of our projects require physical supplies. Our community can shop for these items online, and have donations sent straight to the church. As we get closer to the event, we will post an Amazon shopping link. Donations are also needed of the following items and can be dropped off in the bins at the church: travel size toiletries, dish soap (regular/small size), cleaning wipes, and multipurpose spray cleaner. Please click HERE to view our Amazon Wishlist.
Trinity Table Volunteers Needed for March
Dunwoody UMC will pack and serve meals at Trinity Table at Trinity UMC in March. On Sunday, March 9, we will assemble 250 to-go lunches for Trinity Table. Volunteers will meet in the service hallway outside the kitchen after the Modern Service and assemble to-go meals. On Sunday, March 16 volunteers will take a hot meal and to-go meals to Trinity to serve during Sunday Dinner. Register to serve at Trinity Table HERE. Please contact Rev. Garrett Wallace for more information.
American Red Cross
Friday, March 7, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., DUMC Gym. Make a difference in our community and beyond by helping to ensure blood is on the shelves before it is needed for trauma victims, transplant recipients, and those being treated for cancer and sickle cell disease. Antibody testing will also be included. To make an appointment, visit, and enter sponsor code: dunwoodyumc, or call 1-800-RED CROSS.
Habitat for Humanity
Each spring, Dunwoody UMC participates in building a Habitat for Humanity home. In 2024, we completed our 33rd Habitat house. We have an exciting build scheduled for 2025. We will need 25 volunteers per day for 7 build days (Saturdays). If you are interested in helping with the next build, look for registration coming soon. Spring 2025 build dates start Saturday, March 29 and are projected to end Saturday, May 31. Contact Jack and Bette Whitley or Rev. Garrett Wallace for more information. Must be at least 16 years old to participate.
Upcoming Disaster Response Training & Deployments
If you would like to be informed of upcoming domestic disaster relief trips and training, please visit to be added to the D.A.R.T. Disaster Assistance Response Team Group. As opportunities arise, you will be alerted via email from the Group Leader. Please see the following upcoming opportunities.
· DARE trips are scheduled for the 3rd week of every month
· The next trip is scheduled for February 13-16
· Contact Leonard Scarboro at 706-340-2221 for details.
· March 22 · Trained Volunteers Required · Contact Thom Shores at 404-285-5725 for details.
- Designate a gift to missions through Dunwoody United Methodist Church for Fire Recovery.
- Donate to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) for its disaster relief for all the California fires.
- Donate directly to the Community UMC in Pacific Palisades. The funds will be used to help people who lost their homes cover immediate expenses and for the church’s eventual reconstruction.
- Donate to the Los Angeles Fire Recovery Fund through the UMC California Pac Conference. These funds will benefit all the Los Angeles communities suffering in the fires.
- Send donations of e-gift cards (amazon, target, grubhub. etc.) to These will be given to community members who lost their homes and belongings.
Hiding in Plain Sight
Dunwoody UMC's OneLamb Initiative is joining with Summit Counseling Center to offer this two-part, four hour series that follows the journeys of more than 20 young Americans from all over the country and all walks of life, who have struggled with thoughts and feelings that have troubled—and, at times—overwhelmed them. The movie and discussion will take place in the Young Adult Suite on Sunday, February 23 and Sunday, March 2 from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Please enter and leave using the church office doors. You can register by clicking HERE.
Moms of Young Children
Mothers of children in Kindergarten and younger are invited to join a new support group led by licensed therapist, Rev. Grace Guyton. The group will meet second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in the Young Adult Suite from 9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. To learn more contact Rev. Grace Guyton.
The Importance of Being Earnest
Please join us for the final performance of our 20th season as Theater 1548 presents the classic comedy "The Importance of Being Earnest". We're celebrating 20 years, 50+ shows, hundreds of volunteers, and thousands of audience members by revisiting our first show ever performed. Shows will be held on March 14 and 15 at 7:00 p.m., and March 16 at 1:30 p.m. Purchase tickets in advance at
Sundays, 3/9 - 4/6, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (during the Sunday school hour), Chapel. Register HERE.
Women's Ministry Retreat
Join the women of Dunwoody UMC, led by Kristen Vincent, a spiritual director and Christian retreat leader for a peaceful and renewing weekend retreat at the Dillard House in Dillard, GA, February 28 - March 2. This is a time to step away, reflect, and enjoy fellowship in a beautiful setting. Participants can come on Friday night or Saturday morning. The retreat will run through Sunday morning with a closing worship service. Click HERE to learn more and register. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Brockman.
Moms of Young Children
Mothers of children in Kindergarten and younger are invited to join a new support group led by licensed therapist, Rev. Grace Guyton. The group will meet second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in the Young Adult Suite from 9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. To learn more contact
Tapestry UWF Circle
Join the MJCCA, Neranenah and Tapestry UWF Circle on Sunday, February 16 at 7:00 p.m. for a night of laughter with a purpose at Comedy for Peace (CFP)! No politics. No judgment. Just lots of laughs. CFP brings the best Jewish, Christian, and Muslim stand-up comedians together for an inspiring and unforgettable evening of laughter. The comedy troupe embraces tolerance and unity and proves that we can make a difference in the world, using humor to foster understanding and unity. Click HERE to RSVP.
Heart & Home Circle
Heart & Home will hold their February meeting on Wednesday, February 19 at 4:00 p.m. at Summit Coffee (located in the Shops of Dunwoody, 5482 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Suite 23A).
Fore! Everyone loves Top Golf! Bring your kids, friends, and neighbors and join the 18 Steps to Spiritual wHoleness Golf Ministry for an evening of Top Golf fun on Sunday, February 23, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Your cost of $50 per man covers 2 hours of play and a buffet meal; kids play and eat for free, compliments of DUMC Men’s Ministry. Click HERE to register.
This book study will discuss "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. Led by Pat Morgan, this is a classic "how to" book on Christian Life. If you've ever wondered what it's all about, or questioned why we are here, this is the book study for you. There will be a short video by Rick Warren, followed by a large, then smaller group discussion. The book is an easy read and should stimulate discussion about applications in our daily lives. To better enjoy this class please read the book, "The Purpose Driven Life," by Rick Warren. Thursdays, 2/27 - 4/17, 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., Room 258/259. Register HERE.
Senior Sunday
We are excited to celebrate the Class of 2025 Seniors on Sunday, May 4 in our worship services (9am & 11:15am)! If you have a high school senior, please fill out this form HERE with your student's information. We would like these seniors to be recognized in the church bulletin for Senior Recognition Sunday. Seniors will also have opportunities to lead and take active roles in the services on Sunday, May 4. All information must be submitted by Tuesday, April 1. If your student has not decided on a college/university, please wait to fill out the entire form until closer to the deadline, but please submit by Tuesday, April 1. If you are unable to upload a picture, please email a high-resolution picture to Brooke Freeman.
DUMC Preschool registration is open for the 2025-2026 school year! Limited spaces remain. Contact for details or visit
Interested in Communicating Your Event?
Start by submitting a communications request form. This will give us a written record and start the conversation. Need something else? Not sure what you need? We’ll talk through it with you and do our best to help. Reach out to Communications with additional questions.